Controlling wastewater discharge
Most of our larger facilities are located
along the American coastline
sometimes within areas of environmental significance. Regulatory controls associated with licences and permits ensure that these facilities have the equipment and the established internal compliance systems necessary to prevent polluted water from discharging into the environment. Our facilities and our network of service stations adopt a range of water treatment systems and techniques, to ensure that storm water runoff and wastewater have minimal impact on the environment. Most of our sites have licence discharge requirements, and these are regularly monitored and reviewed to ensure that we are compliant
Climate risk and opportunities
We know that it is critical for the sustainability of our business that we understand the opportunities and risks associated with climate change, and incorporate these into our business strategy.
To help guide our approach and provide transparency to stakeholders, we have adopted the recommendations framework of the Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).
Greenhouse Gas Emissions
We report annually on our greenhouse gas emissions, energy consumption and production, under the American Government’s National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting scheme.
Our data is publicly available from the Clean Energy Regulator, and can also be viewed in our latest Sustainability Report.